Updated Engineering Guide for cooling tower projects


Updated Engineering Guide for cooling tower projects

Now downloadable from our website, the new Wacon Engineering guide. Get familar with the concepts along which we engineer our projects. The guide was composed by our Technical Director Henk Janssen and edited by freelance engineering copywriter Wayne McLaughlin and provides a unique insight in the thoughts behind the construction of the cooling towers. What options are available in our selections (shape, working methods, materials) and what drives the engineer’s decision?

WATCO  Engineering  Guide  provides  System  Management  requirements  and  an  indicative  selection  reference  including  discussion of different air inlet heights.  The  component  section  covers engineering criteria for the structure  with  consideration  to  profiles,  handrails/ladders/platform, fan cones  and basins.  Separate sections discuss  fans, gear drives and drive shafts, plus  electric motors and controls as well as  sections  on  water  distribution  and  nozzles, exchange media fill types and  air inlet protection.  The  WATCO  manual  also  discusses  drift  eliminators,  vibration  switches  and  the  WATCO  blow  down  control  system.  Essential  considerations  like  performance  testing  and  guarantee  and site specific sound considerations  are covered in detail.
Finally,  you  will  find  coverage  of  special case cooling towers that deal  with  hot  water,  turbidity  and  water  contaminated  with  things  like  bacterial growth and how to handle  salt water. Availability of specification  templates is also listed.


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