Automatic Tube Cleaning for U-Tube heat exchangers is now possible with the special design flexible scrubbers from Eqobrush.
U-Tube heat exchangers are commonly used in the chemical industry where the need exists to have regular cleaning of the outside of the tube bundle. The U-Tube bundle can be easily removed from the cylinder for cleaning.
The inside of the tubes however remains a difficult issue. Available options for cleaning are all sub-optimal simply because the curve in the tube.
Since Mr. Hermann Heeren from MAN Turbinenbau Nürnberg Germany invented the Automatic Brush Cleaning system almost half a century ago this technology is in satisfied practice of many heat exchangers. Till today an uncountable and growing number of process heat exchangers and chiller sets run at top performance with an automatic brush cleaning system in operation.
Most of the shell & tube devices have straight piping and until today no solution for U-tube heat exchangers was developed. Still today these devices still operate at lower efficiencies due to fouling and need still regular manual cleanings.
WATCO is the first who took the Automatic Brush Cleaning System to the next level and now we provide solutions for any type of U-tube heat exchanger. The Brush is replaced by a flexible scrubber, flushed through the pipe every 2 to 4 hours, similar as with conventional systems. All other components such as the baskets and the flow reversal system remain the same.
Also with U-tube hear exchangers you can now enjoy a top performance due to non-fouling systems as well reduce the maintenance cost for servicing.