冷水机组性能优化是对冷水机组的运行性能进行监测,将监测数据进行分析、计算以及对比,判断机组的实现运行性能与设计性能之间的偏差,以此为依据对机组进行优化,或者进行预测性维护。让机组以最佳性能运行,避免高能耗;准确的预测性维护,避免故障。 Lower Chiller operating cost through optimization of energy efficiency, increased plant reliability and reduced equipment wear with this DENA endorsed solution (German Energy Agency).继续阅读
Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings is a challenge for the coming decades, particularly improving energy efficiency in existing buildings. Responsible building operators push improving building energy efficiency to the top of their agenda. Reducing energy consumption in commercial buildings starts with common sense, and a lot of work can be done by your own team before calling in the support of a specialized consultant.继续阅读